Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Dot Wiggin Band

Fans of "outsider music" are "Wiggin out"! Why? Why, because of the new album by the Dot Wiggin Band! Dot was the singer and guitarist for the Shaggs, a bizarre sister act that formed in the isolation of rural New Hampshire, pushed by their father/manager, who didn't notice or didn't care that instead of the rock 'n' roll chart-toppers he wanted to hear, the girls were producing twisted, out-of-tune oddities. That was in the 60s. Flashforward a couple decades, and artsy people got hip to the unusual sound and the Shaggs' accidental similarities to the Velvet Underground and other members of the avant garde. Flashforward some more decades, and all of a sudden the reclusive Dot has a new record out, and it is great! It's a jangly, indie rock charmer with more polished edges than the Shaggs ever knew, but it's still got some sweetly freakly moments. Hear the lead single, "Banana Bike," here

Dot Wiggin Band, "Ready Get Go"
The Shaggs, "Philosophy of the World"

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